Apple Sauce Kids

is a completely free, all volunteer (1-2 person) website that contains piles of free Christian materials for all ages, just copy, use and share. You can even put our materials on your website. Please pass them on for free. Generation after generation of volunteer sites like this one, create new materials and use new technologies to share God’s Word totally for free. We encourage you to do the same thing. We do not tract, pester, call, or communicate with you unless you contact us. You can contact us or donate the materials you have created at:

The Roman Road, a Witnessing technique, 8 verses, (AMP)
1. Romans 3:23 (AMP), 23. since all have sinned and continually fall short of the glory of God,
2. Romans 3:10 (AMP), 10. As it is written and forever remains written, “THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS [none that meets God’s standard], NOT EVEN ONE.
3. Romans 5:12 (AMP), 12. Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, so death spread to all people [no one being able to stop it or escape its power], because they all sinned.
4. Romans 6:23 (AMP), 23. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God [that is, His remarkable, overwhelming gift of grace to believers] is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
5. Romans 5:8 (AMP), 8. But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
6. Romans 10:9-10 (AMP), 9. because if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10. For with the heart a person believes [in Christ as Savior] resulting in his justification [that is, being made righteous—being freed of the guilt of sin and made acceptable to God]; and with the mouth he acknowledges and confesses [his faith openly], resulting in and confirming [his] salvation.
7. Romans 10:13 ( (AMP), 13. For “WHOEVER CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD [in prayer] WILL BE SAVED.
8. Romans 10:17 (AMP), 17. So faith comes from hearing [what is told], and what is heard comes by the [preaching of the] message concerning Christ.

Apple Sauce Kids

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(English Only), 5-13-2019